Making the Most of Workplace Sponsorship

Congratulations! You have a sponsor—someone with influence who believes in your potential and is ready to champion your career growth. This is an incredible opportunity, and with the right approach, it can be truly transformational. Like any meaningful professional relationship, sponsorship thrives when nurtured with intention, authenticity, and trust. Here’s how you can make the most of this support and ensure it helps you

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joanna McCarthy
Is Imposter Syndrome holding you back?

Many clients tell me that they are suffering from ‘Imposter Syndrome’ and it has been cited as a reason for the lack of female advancement in organisations.

So, what is Imposter Syndrome? Where does it originate from? How does it affect people?

How do you get over it?

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joanna McCarthy
Setting Boundaries

Many of us find saying NO difficult. When we are asked to do something our habitual response is to say YES.

Many people don't know what they need. With this awareness we create a pause. Then, rather than be triggered into our habitual YES response we have a choice - a choice to say NO.

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joanna McCarthy
Career Planning

If you have a vision of where you are headed you are more likely to make career choices that align with that vision. And so, when thinking about career planning we need to be agile, visionary and strategic.

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joanna McCarthy